Healthy Eating Audios
Mindful eating involves paying full attention to the experience of eating and drinking, both inside and outside the body. We pay attention to the colors, smells, textures, flavors, temperature, and even the sounds of our foods.
Click the button above to practice a 5-minute mindful eating exercise.
In a rush, click the button above for a 3-minute mindful eating exercise.
Mindful Eating Practice
Mindful Eating Introduction
Urges are like waves - they rise in intensity, peak, and eventually crash, such as when we experience an impulse to engage in stress-eating. If we let an urge be - non-judgmentally- without feeding or fighting it, then it will crest, subside, and pass.
Click the button above to practice a 5-minute urge surfing exercise.
Urge Surfing Practice
In a rush, click the button above for a 3-minute urge surfing exercise.
Urge Surfing Introduction